God's Princess's Lab - The Final Outpost
The Final Outpost

Welcome to The Final Outpost!

The Final Outpost is an adoptable site where the goal is to discover and breed new variations of creatures. Discover new breeds through quests and hunting on the site.
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God's Princess's Lab

  • God's Princess has 3553 creatures
  • Joined at 4:39 am, 27/01/2022
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Halloween 2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2021 (Bronze)
Badge Beta Tester

You walk into a homely office full of redwood furniture. Every piece could be seen in someone's personal office or living room. The only thing out of place is the metal door to your left beside a bookcase. You approach the door and try the handle, expecting it to be locked. Surprisingly, it gives under your hand and swings open on well-oiled hinges, opening to a sterile staircase of concrete walls and steel beams. You cautiously descend the stairs and see another door, the same as the first. Opening this one reveals a giant laboratory. A young woman sits on the right. "Welcome to the lab!"

Creature: YeJzK G1 F AABBcc aabbcc AaBb Aabb
Creature: YiYzM G1 F AABbCC AABbCC AABB aaBB
Creature: bzYBy G1 F AABbCC AABbCc AaBb AABb
Creature: ojdOs G1 F AABbCC AaBBCC aaBB AaBb
Creature: 6aEi9 G1 F AABbCc AABbCc aabb AABb
Creature: O3j4J G1 F AABbCc AAbbCC aaBb AaBb
Creature: g2RlE G1 F AABbCc aaBbCc AaBB Aabb
Creature: QJA5G G2 F AABbcc AaBBCC AABb aabb
Creature: K2aiJ G2 F AAbbCC AabbCc AaBb aaBb
Creature: Vg2MT G1 F AAbbCc aaBbCC AaBB AABB
Creature: tibh9 G1 F AaBBCc AABBcc AABb AABB
Creature: i4JTY G1 F AaBBCc AaBbCc Aabb AaBb
Creature: jNvkT G1 F AaBBcc AaBBCC AaBb AaBb
Creature: WwYpI G2 F AaBBcc aabbCc AaBb aaBb
Creature: biuBT G3 F AaBbCC AABBCc aaBb aaBb
Creature: HMAoS G1 F AaBbCc AABbCC AaBB AAbb
Creature: uGjqC G2 F AaBbCc AaBBCc AaBB AABB
Creature: f2c8T G1 F AaBbCc AaBBCc aabb aaBB
Creature: 1WKqn G1 F AaBbCc AaBbCc AABB AABb
Creature: ZReeK G1 F AaBbCc AaBbCc AABb Aabb
Creature: vfXSz G1 F AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBB AABb
Creature: NAe4m G1 F AaBbCc AaBbCc AaBb AaBb
Creature: vwUQD G2 F AaBbCc AaBbcc aaBB aaBb
Creature: 6Zz2Y G2 F AaBbCc aaBBCC AaBB AABb
Creature: Wmegu G1 F AaBbCc aaBBCC aaBb aaBB
Creature: Hisdj G1 F AaBbCc aabbCc AaBb aaBb
Creature: MGaw8 G1 F AaBbcc AaBBCc AaBb aabb
Creature: jLUBX G4 F AaBbcc AaBbCc aaBB AABb
Creature: SjoKM G1 F AaBbcc AaBbcc AABB AaBB
Creature: n3SvX G1 F AaBbcc AabbCc AaBb AABb
Creature: yBvg8 G1 F AaBbcc aaBbCc AABB AaBb
Creature: AooRb G1 F AabbCC AABbCc AABb Aabb
Creature: ZoC3m G1 F AabbCc AAbbCC AABb Aabb
Creature: i2P4B G1 F Aabbcc AaBbCc aaBb aaBb
Creature: SK0K2 G1 F aaBBCC aaBBCC AaBb AABb
Creature: dGe1D G1 F aaBBCc AabbCc AaBb Aabb
Creature: J7UCO G1 F aaBBcc AABBCC AaBB AaBB
Creature: K4oZv G2 F aaBBcc AaBBCc AaBb aaBb
Creature: ONYWn G1 F aaBBcc aaBBcc aaBB Aabb
Creature: FHfVa G1 F aaBbCC AAbbCc AaBb Aabb
Creature: dlSIx G1 F aaBbCC aaBBCC aaBb aaBB
Creature: jLddO G1 F aaBbCc AAbbCc AABB Aabb
Creature: NMvCb G1 F aaBbcc AABbCc AaBb AaBb
Creature: 8mHHO G2 F aaBbcc aaBbCc AaBB AaBb
Creature: 9dAPn G1 F aabbCc AabbCc AaBb AABB
Creature: eKesp G1 F aabbCc aaBbcc AaBb AaBb
Creature: 4d51C G1 F aabbcc aaBbCc AABB aaBb
